Sunday, February 24, 2013


I heard the first cardinal call this morning just as the sun was coming up and everything was so, so, quiet.  Can spring be far away?

            Learned this past week that the hour-long documentary produced by Wisconsin Public TV called JERRY APPS: A FARM STORY has been sold to National Public TV for showing across the country.  The interest in farm stories seems to be on the rise.  Remember Paul Harvey and the Super Bowl commercial about the importance of farmers.  It was deemed one of the best if not the best commercial of all that were broadcast during the game.

            I have two new books coming out in April, one for young adults that is titled LETTERS FROM HILLSIDE FARM (Fulcrum Press).  It is about farm life during the Depression Years. The other, LIMPING THROUGH LIFE (Wisconsin Historical Society Press), is about the time I had polio and how it changed my life.  You can check both books out on  They will soon be in your bookstores.

            For the past several weeks, I’ve been working with Wisconsin Public TV on a second hour-long documentary that will be titled something like WINTER ON THE FARM WITH JERRY APPS.  If all goes well, it will be aired in December of this year.   The documentary is based on my upcoming book from the Wisconsin Historical Society Press called, THE QUIET SEASON.

            Finally, I’m giving all my loyal blog readers a rest for the month of March, while I am off to a writing retreat.  I plan to return just before Easter and resume writing these few paragraphs each week.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: How marvelous the first Cardinal call in late winter.


February 27, Noon, Mt. Morris Insurance Company annual meeting, Richford, Wi

March 2, 7:00 p.m. Minnesota Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm Story.”

March 3, 7:00 p.m. Wisconsin Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm Story.”

March 6- 27: Writing Retreat, Florida.


DVD Jerry Apps: A Farm Story List $16.95 The Patterson’s price only $15.00 ($20.00 shipped)
Special Bundle Offer exclusively by the Patterson:
Tamarack River Ghost & Jerry Apps: A Farm Story – List $43.90
The Patterson’s Price Only $35.00 ($43.00 shipped)

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St. PO Box 305
Wild Rose, WI 54984

(All items are sold by the Friends of the Patterson Memorial Library. They will accept checks or cash, they’re sorry but they don’t have any way to accept credit or debit cards, checks should be made out to the Friends of Patterson Memorial Library.)
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bald Eagle

The road near my farm was slippery and snow covered so I was driving slowly—keeping an eye out for traffic and planning what I would do if I might meet someone.  Up ahead, where there was a bare spot in the road. I spotted something big and white—a white jacket someone had lost?

When I came within a few feet of the “something big and white” it moved, and then it leaped into the air on giant wings.  Had there been someone with me I’m sure they would have seen my mouth drop open, for I had just spotted a bald eagle feasting on a road kill deer.  Its big white tail was spread, its white head looking my way with a “get along with you so I can get back to lunch.”

I recall so well those dreadful days in the late 1950s and 60s, when the bald eagle population as well as other raptor populations were in rapid decline.   And then, Rachel Carson’s memorable book, SILENT SPRING sprung the news that the culprit was DDT.

Laws were enacted—much to the dismay of some as DDT did a great job killing mosquitoes and flies.  There was a substantial group of deniers who wouldn't accept the science proving what DDT was doing to this wild bird population.

But science eventually won out and the bald eagle population has been on the increase ever since—to the point that I have seen them soaring over my pond on a warm summer day—and I can spot them cleaning up road kill on our country roads.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS:  What a marvelous thing to see a bald eagle in the wild—and up close.


February 22, 11:00 a.m. Retired Federal Workers Meeting, Waunakee.

February 27, Noon, Mt. Morris Insurance Company annual meeting, Richford, Wi

March 2, 7:00 p.m. Minnesota Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm Story.”

March 3, 7:00 p.m. Wisconsin Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm Story.”

March 6- 27: Writing Retreat, Florida.


DVD Jerry Apps: A Farm Story List $16.95 The Patterson’s price only $15.00 ($20.00 shipped)
Special Bundle Offer exclusively by the Patterson:
Tamarack River Ghost & Jerry Apps: A Farm Story – List $43.90
The Patterson’s Price Only $35.00 ($43.00 shipped)

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St. PO Box 305
Wild Rose, WI 54984

(All items are sold by the Friends of the Patterson Memorial Library. They will accept checks or cash, they’re sorry but they don’t have any way to accept credit or debit cards, checks should be made out to the Friends of Patterson Memorial Library.)
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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Garden Expo

They came by the thousands; winter-weary gardeners looking forward to spring and the smell of newly turned soil, and the sight of green grass and the feel of warmer temperatures.

They assembled at the Alliant Center in Madison this past weekend for the 20th annual Garden Expo sponsored by Wisconsin Public TV and University of Wisconsin-Extension where they could see exhibits ranging from prairie plantings to books for sale from University of Wisconsin Press (where I was signing my new novel), and the Wisconsin Historical Society Press and other publishers, too. Where they could buy garden seeds and be amazed by a 1,700 square foot landscaped area with spring flowers, tulips and daffodils and a sandbox where the little ones could play.

New shovels were on display, and hoes, and expandable rakes, and other gardening contraptions designed to make the job “easier.”  And huge lawnmowers and rototillers—and for those who would rather garden vicariously—beautiful pictures of garden scenes.

People walked elbow to elbow in the aisles, some clutching  pussy willows, and assorted bundles of brush; others carrying metal art work that defied description, but apparently had meaning for its new owner.

It was a good winter day—a day of promise for the gardening season that is really just around the corner—well may a few steps around the corner.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Time to do some serious studying of the new seed catalogs.


February 22, 11:00 a.m. Retired Federal Workers Meeting, Waunakee.

February 27, Noon, Mt. Morris Insurance Company annual meeting, Richford, Wi

March 2, 7:00 p.m. Minnesota Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm Story.”

March 3, 7:00 p.m. Wisconsin Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm Story.”

March 6- 27: Writing Retreat, Florida.


DVD Jerry Apps: A Farm Story List $16.95 The Patterson’s price only $15.00 ($20.00 shipped)
Special Bundle Offer exclusively by the Patterson:
Tamarack River Ghost & Jerry Apps: A Farm Story – List $43.90
The Patterson’s Price Only $35.00 ($43.00 shipped)

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St. PO Box 305
Wild Rose, WI 54984

(All items are sold by the Friends of the Patterson Memorial Library. They will accept checks or cash, they’re sorry but they don’t have any way to accept credit or debit cards, checks should be made out to the Friends of Patterson Memorial Library.)
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Sunday, February 03, 2013

Cold Weather Snow

It began after dark, quietly, almost imperceptibly, like a fine mist.  Except it was snow, cold weather snow. The kind that is light and fluffy, but nonetheless snow.  It accumulates on the already several inches that fell earlier in the week, like a coating of sparkly frosting on a big white cake.

            As there is no wind, it clings to the bare branches of the black willow trees that form a windbreak to the west.  It hangs on the red pine trees that are strung out along the county road that trails past my farm; it accumulates on my pickup.

            It reminds us, as if we need reminding, that snow, like people, comes in various forms and shapes.  Some arrives quietly, like a shy cousin.  Other times it comes on a howling wind, like a noisy uncle.  Occasionally it falls steadily, like a dependable grandmother.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Snow has many faces—recognize them; enjoy them.


February 9, 12:00-2:00 p.m., Garden Expo, Alliant Center, Madison. Signing books in UW-Press booth.

February 22, 11:00 a.m. Retired Federal Workers Meeting, Waunakee.

February 27, Noon, Mt. Morris Insurance Company annual meeting, Richford, Wi

March 2, 7:00 p.m. Minnesota Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm Story.”

March 3, 7:00 p.m. Wisconsin Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm Story.”

March 6- 27: Writing Retreat, Florida.


DVD Jerry Apps: A Farm Story List $16.95 The Patterson’s price only $15.00 ($20.00 shipped)
Special Bundle Offer exclusively by the Patterson:
Tamarack River Ghost & Jerry Apps: A Farm Story – List $43.90
The Patterson’s Price Only $35.00 ($43.00 shipped)

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St. PO Box 305
Wild Rose, WI 54984

(All items are sold by the Friends of the Patterson Memorial Library. They will accept checks or cash, they’re sorry but they don’t have any way to accept credit or debit cards, checks should be made out to the Friends of Patterson Memorial Library.)
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