I heard the first cardinal call this morning just as the sun
was coming up and everything was so, so, quiet.
Can spring be far away?
this past week that the hour-long documentary produced by Wisconsin Public TV
called JERRY APPS: A FARM STORY has been sold to National Public TV for showing
across the country. The interest in farm
stories seems to be on the rise.
Remember Paul Harvey and the Super Bowl commercial about the importance
of farmers. It was deemed one of the
best if not the best commercial of all that were broadcast during the game.
I have two
new books coming out in April, one for young adults that is titled LETTERS FROM
HILLSIDE FARM (Fulcrum Press). It is
about farm life during the Depression Years. The other, LIMPING THROUGH LIFE
(Wisconsin Historical Society Press), is about the time I had polio and how it
changed my life. You can check both
books out on Amazon.com. They will soon
be in your bookstores.
For the
past several weeks, I’ve been working with Wisconsin Public TV on a second
hour-long documentary that will be titled something like WINTER ON THE FARM
WITH JERRY APPS. If all goes well, it
will be aired in December of this year. The documentary is based on my upcoming book
from the Wisconsin Historical Society Press called, THE QUIET SEASON.
Finally, I’m
giving all my loyal blog readers a rest for the month of March, while I am off
to a writing retreat. I plan to return
just before Easter and resume writing these few paragraphs each week.
THE OLD TIMER SAYS: How marvelous the first Cardinal call in
late winter.
February 27, Noon, Mt. Morris Insurance Company annual
meeting, Richford, Wi
March 2, 7:00 p.m. Minnesota Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm
March 3, 7:00 p.m. Wisconsin Public TV, “Jerry Apps: A Farm
March 6- 27: Writing Retreat, Florida.
DVD Jerry Apps: A Farm Story List $16.95 The Patterson’s price only $15.00 ($20.00 shipped)
Special Bundle Offer exclusively by the Patterson:
Tamarack River Ghost & Jerry Apps: A Farm Story – List $43.90
The Patterson’s Price Only $35.00 ($43.00 shipped)
Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St. PO Box 305
Wild Rose, WI 54984
(All items are sold by the Friends of the Patterson Memorial Library. They will accept checks or cash, they’re sorry but they don’t have any way to accept credit or debit cards, checks should be made out to the Friends of Patterson Memorial Library.)