A new bookstore, READERS’ REALM,
has opened in Montello, Wisconsin.
Located in a former Methodist church at 147 E. Montello Street, the
grand opening was this past weekend. I
had the privilege of speaking and signing books there Friday evening and what a
grand event it was. People from ages eight
to ninety-two filled every chair and stood in the aisles.
An eight year old asked what work I had to do
when I was eight years old on the farm.
Her eyes got bigger as I told her.
A twelve year old asked how old I was when I learned to drive, and when I
said I drove our hired man’s old Model T Ford around our cow pasture when I was ten, he looked at his father with a “see I
told you so” look.
We talked about the Great
Depression and the sandstorms that rolled across central Wisconsin during the
miserable mid-1930s. We talked about
potato growing at a time they were planted by hand, hoed by hand, and dug by
hand—acres of them. We talked about
milking cows before electricity came to the farm. We remembered outhouses and Sears
Youngsters were learning;
oldsters were remembering. Everyone
seemed to be smiling and having a good time.
Gathering at a neighborhood bookstore is a place to do that.
local bookstore. They are community
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: It’s time to sign up for my writing class at
The Clearing (Saturday, November 1). It’s all about writing stories from your
life—to be shared with families, friends and more. Go to this link for further
information. http://theclearing.org/current/classes_workshop_description.php?id=3
If that doesn’t work, write or call The
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.
July 12-19, Writing Retreat, Rhinelander, WI.
July 23,
Jacksonport Historical Society, Mr. G’s, 6:00 p.m. Jacksonport, WI.
Horse Drawn Days
July 26, Wild Rose Historical Society,
10:00-2:00. Booksigning. Part of Wild Rose Days.
July 29, Ephraim Historical Foundation. 7:00 p.m.
Barns of Wisconsin.
Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose,
Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):
The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including
The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD
Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package