Sunday, June 29, 2014

New Bookstore in Montello

A new bookstore, READERS’ REALM, has opened in Montello, Wisconsin.  Located in a former Methodist church at 147 E. Montello Street, the grand opening was this past weekend.  I had the privilege of speaking and signing books there Friday evening and what a grand event it was.  People from ages eight to ninety-two filled every chair and stood in the aisles.
 An eight year old asked what work I had to do when I was eight years old on the farm.  Her eyes got bigger as I told her.  A twelve year old asked how old I was when I learned to drive, and when I said I drove our hired man’s old Model T Ford around our cow pasture when I  was ten, he looked at his father with a “see I told you so” look.
We talked about the Great Depression and the sandstorms that rolled across central Wisconsin during the miserable mid-1930s.  We talked about potato growing at a time they were planted by hand, hoed by hand, and dug by hand—acres of them.  We talked about milking cows before electricity came to the farm. We remembered outhouses and Sears catalogs.
Youngsters were learning; oldsters were remembering.  Everyone seemed to be smiling and having a good time.  Gathering at a neighborhood bookstore is a place to do that.
THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Visit your local bookstore.  They are community treasures.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  It’s time to sign up for my writing class at The Clearing (Saturday, November 1). It’s all about writing stories from your life—to be shared with families, friends and more. Go to this link for further information.
If that doesn’t work, write or call The Clearing:
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.

July 12-19, Writing Retreat, Rhinelander, WI.

July 23,  Jacksonport Historical Society, Mr. G’s, 6:00 p.m. Jacksonport, WI. Horse Drawn Days

July 26, Wild Rose Historical Society, 10:00-2:00.  Booksigning.  Part of Wild Rose Days.

July 29, Ephraim Historical Foundation. 7:00 p.m. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):
The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Garden Status

For my vegetable garden friends who enjoy comparing gardening seasons, here is the status of my garden on the first day of summer.  I've awarded a one to five designation with one meaning pathetic, and five, mostly unattainable.  In central Wisconsin, crops are a bit behind, but with three inches of rain this past week, and warmer temperatures—everything is improving. Steve and Natasha are keeping fast growing weeds at bay.
Early potatoes=3 (Late potatoes are outshining them)
Late potatoes=4 (Nine long rows, on a tear, best crop in a while)
Onions=4 (Three long rows, really looking good.
Beets=2 (Sad, sad, poor germination, not growing well)
Gourds=3 (Should be okay. Germination fair)
Sweet Corn=3 plus (Make knee high by the Fourth of July?  Maybe.)
Cucumbers=2 (Not good.  Poor germination.)
Pumpkins=4 (Coming along, but a long way to go)
Tomatoes =3 plus (42 plants. Doing better.  But no blossoms yet, not even on early varieties)
Zucchini= 4 (Seven hills. If you can’t grow zucchini, well . . .)
Peas=4 plus (Love the cool, wet weather.  In blossom)
Broccoli= 4 (First harvest yesterday)
Red cabbage=4 (Coming along just fine)
White cabbage=4 (Ditto for red cabbage)
Green Beans=3 (Need more sunshine, long way to go)
Lettuce=4 plus. (Great crop, three harvests already)
Collard Greens=3 plus (New for me this year.  How to fix?  Suggestions?)
Carrots=2 (Looking mostly sad, but hope, always hope)
So that’s it.  I’m interested in how other vegetable gardens are doing?  Similar to mine?
THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Every gardening year is different.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  It’s time to sign up for my writing class at The Clearing (Saturday, November 1). It’s all about writing stories from your life—to be shared with families, friends and more. Go to this link for further information.
If that doesn’t work write or call The Clearing:
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.

June 27. Readers’ Realm Bookstore, 147 E. Montello St., Montello, WI. 5:30-7:30. Talk at 6:00 p.m.

June 28. Over Fifty High School Class Reunion, Wild Rose High School.

July 12-19. Writing Retreat, Rhinelander, WI.

July 23.  Jacksonport Historical Society, Mr. G’s, 6:00 p.m. Jacksonport, WI. Horse Drawn Days

July 26, Wild Rose Historical Society, 10:00-2:00.  Booksigning.  Part of Wild Rose Days.

July 29, Ephraim Historical Foundation. 7:00 p.m. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):
The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St.
Wild Rose, WI  54984

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Pair of Pliers and a Jackknife

Pa carried a pair of pliers and a jackknife with him all the time, except when he went to church.  He said there was likely no call for either pliers or a jackknife in church, although he suggested some other tool might have come in handy on those Sundays when the preacher went on with no stopping in sight.
He carried the pliers in a little pocket on the side of his ever-present bib overalls, and the jackknife he toted in a regular pocket.  Scarcely a day passed that Pa didn't find a use for one or both of these simple, but handy tools.  It seemed a fence wire was always breaking, the pliers could fix it.  A bolt had loosened, easily repaired with the pliers. A nail needed a little hammering—once more the pliers appeared.  And at the end of a hot day when it was time for a cold beer from the ice box, the pliers snapped off the cap.
Same with the jackknife, which had a larger blade and a smaller blade.  The smaller blade was the sharper of the two, brought into action when a pencil needed sharpening, a rope must be cut, a sliver needed removing from a finger, or some whittling was necessary, such as fashioning a new stopper for the water jug.
The larger blade came into play as a substitute screwdriver, to scrape dirt and grime from a farm implement, to slit open a letter, or pry a board lose from a wooden crate.
            “You never wanna leave the house without a pair of pliers and a jackknife,” Pa reminded me regularly.
 Simple tools, for a simpler time.
THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Doesn't take a fancy tool to fix an ordinary problem.
June 20, Wausau Historical Society, 10:00 a.m. Presentation. Stories from the Land.

June 21, Writing Workshop, The Clearing, Door County 9-4.

June 28. Over Fifty High School Class Reunion, Wild Rose High School.

July 12-19. Writing Retreat, Rhinelander, WI.

July 23.  Jacksonport Historical Society, Mr. G’s, 6:00 p.m. Jacksonport, WI. Horse Drawn Days

July 26, Wild Rose Historical Society, 10:00-2:00.  Booksigning.  Part of Wild Rose Days.

July 29, Ephraim Historical Foundation. 7:00 p.m. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):
The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St.
Wild Rose, WI  54984


Sunday, June 08, 2014

Taste of Spring

I cut the first leaf lettuce of the season yesterday, a small bowl of it.  I’m surprised it grew at all.  I planted the seeds in April, and just as it was trying to come up it was buried in snow. This was followed by cold when nothing germinated and nothing much grew. Then it warmed up and the lettuce, tough stuff it is, grew like everything.
I remember on the home farm, lettuce was part of the “big” three that announced spring was really here.  Rhubarb came first.  According to Pa we needed to eat it to cleanse our systems from the long winter.  Then it was asparagus, wonderful and tasty.  And finally, leaf lettuce.  Each offering us a taste of spring, but each with a dramatically different flavor.  Here’s my mother’s recipe:
Leaf Lettuce Salad
4-6 cups of leaf lettuce
¼ cup evaporated milk
1 tablespoon sugar
5 teaspoons vinegar
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Wash and dry lettuce and place in serving bowl.  In a separate bowl, stir together the milk and sugar.
Add vinegar to the milk mixture and stir until mixture thickens.
Add pepper.
Pour mixture over lettuce and serve immediately.
Serves 4 to 6 people.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS:  Better to remember that who you are is more important than what you've accomplished.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:    There remain a few openings and it is still time to sign up for my Clearing Writing workshop on June 21.. Go to this link for further information.
If that doesn’t work write or call The Clearing:
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.
June 20, Wausau Historical Society, 10:00 a.m. Presentation. Stories from the Land.
June 21, Writing Workshop, The Clearing, Door County 9-4.
July 12-19. Writing Retreat, Rhinelander, WI.
July 23.  Jacksonport Historical Society, Mr. G’s, 6:00 p.m. Jacksonport, WI. Horse Drawn Days
July 26, Wild Rose Historical Society, 10:00-2:00.  Booksigning.  Part of Wild Rose Days.
July 29, Ephraim Historical Foundation. 7:00 p.m. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):
The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St.
Wild Rose, WI  54984


Sunday, June 01, 2014


Pa didn’t like lilacs.  Said he didn’t like how they smelled.  So we had none on our farm.  But a long row of lilacs grew along the entire southern fence surrounding our country school.  The lilac bushes were tall and thick and during the last weeks of school in May the bushes were covered with beautiful, sweet smelling, lilac flowers.  Our teacher always had a fresh bouquet on her desk each day, their fragrance turning the lingering smoky smell in the school room after a long winter into the sweet smell of spring.
So I've always liked lilacs, and when we bought Roshara in 1966, I was pleased to find a long row of them growing near the remnants of the farm buildings.  The Coombes family, who owned the farm previously, must have liked lilacs for they planted three kinds: dark purple, lavender and a very tall growing white variety.  Best we could determine they were planted in 1912, when the Coombes family constructed the farm buildings.  Now, more than a hundred years later, we have a big bouquet of lilacs on the cabin table, their sweet smell crowding out the lingering smells of wood smoke after a long winter.
THE OLD TIMER SAYS:  Take time to smell the lilacs.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  I received an update on enrollments in my writing class (Saturday, June 21) at The Clearing.  There remain a few openings and it is still time to sign up. Go to this link for further information.
If that doesn’t work write or call The Clearing:
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.

June 20, Wausau Historical Society, 10:00 a.m. Presentation. Stories from the Land.

June 21, Writing Workshop, The Clearing, Door County 9-4.

July 12-19. Writing Retreat, Rhinelander, WI.

July 23.  Jacksonport Historical Society, Mr. G’s, 6:00 p.m. Jacksonport, WI. Horse Drawn Days

July 26, Wild Rose Historical Society, Book Signing 10:00 - 2:00.

July 29, Ephraim Historical Foundation. 7:00 p.m. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):
The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St.
Wild Rose, WI  54984