Memorial Day
weekend is our time to finish planting our garden at Roshara. This year was no
exception. But could we do it in between
the rainstorms that had been visiting the area for several days? We picked Saturday, and at seven a.m. on
Saturday morning, it was raining, not hard, but enough to make one miserable if
you worked in it. It rained all of
Friday night, nearly two inches in my rain gauge so the ground was wet, the
grass was wet, everything was wet.
Steve and Natasha arrived at ten on Saturday, it continued to drizzle, but we
set out tomato plants (40 of them) a couple rows of broccoli, a row of cabbage,
some eggplant, a few green peppers. and several kohlrabi plants. One of the advantages of sandy-loam soil is
you can work it in the rain.
noon the rain stopped, the dark clouds left, the sun came out and planting the
several garden seeds that remained became much more pleasant. We planted sweet corn and bush beans,
pumpkins and winter squash, zucchini and cucumbers, popcorn and rainbow corn,
sunflowers and ornamental sorghum. And a short row of dill—I so like the smell of
crops we planted three weeks ago, even with a hard freeze one Sunday evening,
are doing well: potatoes, onions, radishes (pulled the first one), lettuce
(about ready to eat), rutabagas, Swiss chard (anybody got some Swiss chard
recipes), beets, and peas.
the 2016 garden season is in full swing, year 50 for planting garden at
THE OLD TIMER SAYS: What would life
be without a vegetable garden?
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Writing Workshop for 2016
Your Story Workshop at The Clearing in Door County. Friday, August 12, 9-4. Call 920-854-4088 to get your name on the
list. (Still Room)
June 7, 7:00 p.m. Cambria Library. Cambria Fire Dept. Community Center, Cambria.
June 11, 9-4 Writing Workshop,
Wild Rose Library. Telling Your Story
June 14, 9:00 a.m. Keynote
speech. Country Heritage Day, St. John the Baptist Church, Montello. Barns of
June 28, 11:00 a.m. Larry Meiller Show. Wis. Public Radio. Discussion of Roshara Journal and Telling
Your Story (New Books)
June 28, Book Discussion. Mystery to Me Book Store, Madison. Details to follow. Roshara
Journal and Telling Your Story
(New Books)
July 19, 11:00 a.m., Farm
Technology Days, Snudden Farms, Lake Geneva, Walworth County. History of
Wisconsin Agriculture.
August 9, 6:30 p.m. Winnebago
County Historical Society. Oshkosh
Library. History of Wisconsin Agriculture.
August 12 9-4, Writing Workshop,
The Clearing, Door County.
August 20, 10:30-11:30 am. Waupaca Annual Arts on the Square.
Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial
Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fundraiser for them):
library now has available signed copies of Jerry’s DVDs:
Emmy Winner, A
Farm Winter with Jerry Apps (based
on The Quiet Season book.)
Jerry Apps a Farm Story (based on Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old
Farm books.)
The Land with Jerry Apps, (based on the book Whispers and
available are several of Jerry’s signed books including: Jerry’s newest novel, The Great Sand Fracas of Ames
County. and Wisconsin
Agriculture: A History.
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.
Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division Street