Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Quiet

I’m sitting by my pond this chilly, late April afternoon, listening for the quiet. Quiet is becoming ever more difficult to find these days with ever-chirping cell-phones, loud shouting radio and TV commentators, sirens blaring, impatient motorists laying on their car horns, and the ever-present traffic sound in the background. No quiet. Nothing close to quiet. Even in the dead of night in the city.

But sitting by my pond the only sound I hear is the breeze rustling the tops of the oaks and maples still bare of leaves, and the subtle sound of the wind riffling the surface of the pond.

I need to hear quiet regularly, and here at my farm, sitting by my pond, I hear it. Hearing the quiet recharges my personal batteries, calms my nerves and restores my soul.

Photo: Roshara Pond, April 2017.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Listen for the quiet.

WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Friday, August 18, 9-4:00 p.m. The Clearing, Door County.
Call 920-854-4088. Limited enrollment.


May 18. Neville Public Museum, Green Bay. Wisconsin Agriculture: A History. Dinner at 5:00 p.m. Program at 6:00 p.m. Registrations required. Call 920-448-7874.

May 25, 7:00 p.m. Richfield Historical Sociey. Never Curse the Rain. Richfield Fire Hall, 2008 Hwy 175, Richfield, WI.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fundraiser for them):

The library now has available signed copies of Jerry’s DVDs:

Emmy Winner, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps (based on The Quiet Season book.)
Jerry Apps a Farm Story (based on Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm books.)
The Land with Jerry Apps, (based on the book Whispers and Shadows.)

Also available are several of Jerry’s signed books including: Jerry’s newest nonfiction book, Never Curse the Rain, and his newest novel, The Great Sand Fracas of Ames County. Also available are Wisconsin Agriculture: A History,
Roshara Journal (with photos by Steve Apps) and Telling Your Story—a guide book for those who want to write their own stories.

Contact the library for prices and special package deals.
Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division Street
Wild Rose, WI 54984

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Farm Garden Day

On this Earth Day, a “how could the weather be better” April Saturday, the garden crew consisting of Steve, Natasha, Paul, Sue and the Senior Supervisor gathered for the annual early crop garden planting at the farm.

The sky was blue. Birds were singing and a slight breeze rustled the pine needles of the trees that fronted the garden. The temperature was a “good for working” seventy degrees.

After disking the cover crop of winter wheat into the soft ground, and marking the rows, we proceeded to plant—well the crew proceeded to plant as I kept track of what went where and why.

By early afternoon we had planted six long rows of white potatoes and one long row of red potatoes, a row and half of red and yellow onions, a row of peas, and long row of what Natasha called our “salad row.” Here she planted several kinds of lettuce, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, radishes and carrots.

In a week or so we’ll set out the broccoli and cabbage. We’ll wait a few weeks before we plant the “warm wanting” garden crops such as sweet corn, green beans, and the vining crops.

Photo: Steve marking the garden rows with a marker my father made some fifty years ago.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: It’s a great feeling when the early garden seeds are in the ground.

WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Friday, August 18, 9-4:00 p.m. The Clearing, Door County.
Call 920-854-4088. Limited enrollment.


April 27, 6:00 p.m. Waupaca Historical Society, 320 S. Main Street, Waupaca. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fundraiser for them):

The library now has available signed copies of Jerry’s DVDs:

Emmy Winner, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps (based on The Quiet Season book.)
Jerry Apps a Farm Story (based on Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm books.)
The Land with Jerry Apps, (based on the book Whispers and Shadows.)

Also available are several of Jerry’s signed books including: Jerry’s newest nonfiction book, Never Curse the Rain, and his newest novel, The Great Sand Fracas of Ames County. Also available are Wisconsin Agriculture: A History,
Roshara Journal (with photos by Steve Apps) and Telling Your Story—a guide book for those who want to write their own stories.

Contact the library for prices and special package deals.
Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division Street
Wild Rose, WI 54984

Sunday, April 16, 2017

First Garden Seeds Planted

It’s time. The weather is right. The soil is ready. The seeds are purchased. It’s time to plant the garden—the early stuff not tomatoes, sweet corn, squash, pumpkins, green beans and other such that requires warmer soil, warmer nights, and yes warmer days.

On Good Friday—a proper day for planting I’m hoping—I planted four rows in the raised garden in my backyard. One row each of spinach, radishes, lettuce and peas. It’s a tiny garden, only three feet by eight feet. But each year I’m surprised how much twenty-four square feet of soil will produce.

I have a problem with rabbits, and squirrels that want to dig up the seeds as soon as I plant them. I cover the garden with nearly invisible black netting that keeps the critters out. As the plants come up and grow, I keep raising the netting, but it remains in place throughout the growing season.

Next Saturday is garden day at the farm—long rows of potatoes, more lettuce, radishes and other cool weather crops. A much larger garden that feeds three families, and provides ample opportunity for hoeing, weed pulling, rototilling, and yes, harvesting when things are ready.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: The coming of spring is confirmed when the first garden seeds are planted.

WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Friday, August 18, 9-4:00 p.m. The Clearing, Door County.
Call 920-854-4088. Limited enrollment.

April 17, 6:30 p.m. New Berlin Library. Never Curse the Rain.

April 23, 7:00 p.m. Lebanon Historical Society. Town Hall, Fire Station, Lebanon. Storytelling.

April 27, 6:00 p.m. Waupaca Historical Society, 320 S. Main Street, Waupaca. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fundraiser for them):

The library now has available signed copies of Jerry’s DVDs:

Emmy Winner, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps (based on The Quiet Season book.)
Jerry Apps a Farm Story (based on Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm books.)
The Land with Jerry Apps, (based on the book Whispers and Shadows.)

Also available are several of Jerry’s signed books including: Jerry’s newest nonfiction book, Never Curse the Rain, and his newest novel, The Great Sand Fracas of Ames County. Also available are Wisconsin Agriculture: A History,
Roshara Journal (with photos by Steve Apps) and Telling Your Story—a guide book for those who want to write their own stories.

Contact the library for prices and special package deals.
Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division Street
Wild Rose, WI 54984

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Tree Planting: 2017

Starting in April 1966, we have planted trees at Roshara, our Waushara County farm every year. That first year we planted 2,000 trees, as I recall. Since then some years we have planted as few as 50 trees and as many as 7,500 one year (we had machine help that year). Otherwise we planted them by hand, with two person crews—one with a shovel making little slits in the ground, the other placing the tree and stamping the ground firm around it.

We have planted while it snowed, while it rained, while it sleeted. And, on occasion, when the sun was shining the wind was down and it was a joy to be outside.

We have planted red pine, white pine, jack pine and spruce. But mostly red pine, which does well on our sandy, droughty soils. We have thinned and done some minimal logging twice in these fifty plus years. Those first trees planted are now some 75 feet tall and more than a foot across.

This past Saturday was our planting day—son Steve, daughter Sue and son-in-law Paul did the heavy work. Steve and Sue sort of helped with the first planting back in 1967, but just a little, as they were little tykes at the time.

Different from many early tree planting days, Saturday’s temperature climbed into the high 60s, the sun was out and it was a grand day to do most anything outdoors. It had rained a lot during the week, so the soil was moist and easy for digging. No complaints from the tree planters this year.

Photo: Sue and Paul planting a spruce tree.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Little trees, like grandchildren, are essential for the future.

WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Friday, August 18, 9-4:00 p.m. The Clearing, Door County.
Call 920-854-4088. Limited enrollment.


April 10, 1:30. Kiel Library, One-Room Schools

April 17, 6:30 p.m. New Berlin Library. Never Curse the Rain.

April 23, 7:00 p.m. Lebanon Historical Society. Town Hall, Fire Station, Lebanon. Storytelling.

April 27, 6:00 p.m. Waupaca Historical Society, 320 S. Main Street, Waupaca. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fundraiser for them):

The library now has available signed copies of Jerry’s DVDs:

Emmy Winner, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps (based on The Quiet Season book.)
Jerry Apps a Farm Story (based on Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm books.)
The Land with Jerry Apps, (based on the book Whispers and Shadows.)

Also available are several of Jerry’s signed books including: Jerry’s newest nonfiction book, Never Curse the Rain, and his newest novel, The Great Sand Fracas of Ames County. Also available are Wisconsin Agriculture: A History,
Roshara Journal (with photos by Steve Apps) and Telling Your Story—a guide book for those who want to write their own stories.

Contact the library for prices and special package deals.
Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division Street
Wild Rose, WI 54984

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Wisconsin Agriculturist Winners

On a cloudy, chilly “waiting for spring” day, Ruth and I traveled to La Sure’s Hall in Oshkosh where I spoke at the 2017 Wisconsin Agriculturist Master Agriculturist Program.

Starting in 1977, each year the Wisconsin Agriculturist magazine recognizes outstanding farmers in Wisconsin. The 2017 winners: Mike Cerny, Sharon; Rick Dado, Amery; Jim Rickert, Eldorado; and the Siemers family, Wally Siemers, Sherry Siemers-Peterman, Dan Siemers, and Paul Siemers, Newton.

I talked about Wisconsin’s rich agricultural history. Each of these winners talked about their agricultural activities. The contrasts between yesterday’s farming and today’s farming is near unbelievable. Each of these winners spent a few minutes talking about what they were doing and how they were doing it. I was impressed with how they spent time recognizing their families and their farm neighbors. This side of farming has not changed over the years.

My congratulations to each family. My hat is also off to Fran O’ Leary, editor of the Wisconsin Agriculturist for sponsoring the program.

Also, I want to recognize Halley Pucker, from the marketing department of the Wisconsin Historical Society Press. The Oshkosh event was her last day of work for WHSP. Over the past several years, Halley and I have traveled around much of Wisconsin, me talking, she driving and selling books. I will miss her friendly smile and her always upbeat attitude. Thank you Halley.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Today’s Wisconsin’s farmers are creating tomorrow’s agricultural history.
WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Saturday, April 8, 9-12:00 a.m. Patterson Memorial Library, Wild Rose, WI. Call 920-622-3835 for reservations. Limited enrollment. Workshop meets Nine to Twelve in the morning.

WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Friday, August 18, 9-4:00 p.m. The Clearing, Door County.
Call 920-854-4088. Limited enrollment.


April 6, 1:00 p.m. Union Grove Library.

April 8, 9-12:00 Writing Workshop, Patterson Memorial Library, Wild Rose, WI

April 10, 1:30. Kiel Library, One-Room Schools

April 17, 6:30 p.m. New Berlin Library. Never Curse the Rain.

April 23, 7:00 p.m. Lebanon Historical Society. Town Hall, Fire Station, Lebanon. Storytelling.

April 27, 6:00 p.m. Waupaca Historical Society, 320 S. Main Street, Waupaca. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fundraiser for them):

The library now has available signed copies of Jerry’s DVDs:

Emmy Winner, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps (based on The Quiet Season book.)
Jerry Apps a Farm Story (based on Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm books.)
The Land with Jerry Apps, (based on the book Whispers and Shadows.)

Also available are several of Jerry’s signed books including: Jerry’s newest nonfiction book, Never Curse the Rain, and his newest novel, The Great Sand Fracas of Ames County. Also available are Wisconsin Agriculture: A History,
Roshara Journal (with photos by Steve Apps) and Telling Your Story—a guide book for those who want to write their own stories.

Contact the library for prices and special package deals.
Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division Street
Wild Rose, WI 54984