Monday, October 01, 2012

Canada Geese

As long as I can remember, the honking of geese flying south on a cool autumn day was a thrilling sound.  It still is. Sometimes the geese fly at night. With a full moon the sight of geese in a moonlit sky along with the sound of their honking is a one of those never forgotten experiences.

Yesterday, when Steve and I visited our pond with the intention of viewing the maples, birch, and aspen in full autumn splendor, I spotted movement on the far end of our small body of water—maybe a couple hundred yards from where the pond path ended by the water’s edge.

There they were, fifteen Canada geese.  I don’t know if they were northern geese passing through and spending the day resting in this beautiful quiet place, or if they were locals making the rounds of area ponds.  They made no sound at all.  Nor did we.  We watched them for more than a half hour.  They looked in our direction—but didn’t panic and fly off.  Maybe they were just too tired from already flying a long distance.  Or, maybe they found this quiet place ablaze in fall color too nice to leave.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS:  Take time to watch migrating geese fly overhead.  Notice how they take turns leading and following—and helping each other.

CHECK THIS OUT: Wisconsin Public Television premier showing of “Country life from an earlier day” documentary at Wild Rose High School Auditorium, Monday, October 15, 6:30 p.m. Show includes several photos from Wild Rose and the surrounding area. Free to the public. I will be offering introductory comments.


October 3, 6:00 p.m. Onalaska Public Library, Rural Wit and Wisdom

October 4-6. Midwest Booksellers, Minneapolis. Book Signing.

October 13, 9-4.  The Clearing.  Writing Workshop: Writing From Your Life. Go to for information.

October 15, 6:30 p.m. Wild Rose High School Auditorium.  Wis Public TV showing of a “Country life from an earlier day” documentary.  Free to the public.

October 24, 2:15 p.m., Wisconsin Library Assoc. Annual Meeting, LaCrosse.  Garden Wisdom.

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