Monday, May 26, 2014


I heard the whip-poor-will calling last night.  On the hillside above the pond.  The sound echoing across the valley.  The mysterious bird of the evening calling its name over and over again.  Sometimes ten, fifteen or more times without stopping.
Dad always said the bird was calling, “Plant your corn.  Plant your corn.”  That’s what we were doing yesterday, Steve, Natasha and I.  Planting sweetcorn kernels in our garden.  Several long rows.  Also a row of ornamental corn.  Ornamental corn is not much for eating—but sure fun to look at.  Sometimes we must be reminded that looking is as important as eating. 
We also set out the tomato plants and mulched them with straw, forty-five or fifty of them. We planted a couple rows of squash, half a row of pumpkins, half a row of cucumbers and probably too long a row of zucchini. A couple rows of green beans.  A row of beets. A short row of gourds, and an even shorter row of dill.  Dill has such a wonderful smell when you rub its leaves between your fingers.
Potatoes are about half up.  Radishes are on a tear.  Lettuce is looking good.  Cabbage and broccoli plants alive and well.
Rain predicted in the next day or so.  Warm weather here—finally.  Garden needs both.  Lots of rain.  Lots of sunshine. All in all, looking good for the 2014 season.  But way too early to make any predictions. 
THE OLD TIMER SAYS:  What is more fun than working in a garden on a warm, sunny day.
 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  There are still openings for my one-day (June 21) writing class at The Clearing in Door County.  Go to this link for further information.
If that doesn’t work write or call The Clearing:
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.


June 20, Wausau Historical Society, 10:00 a.m. Presentation. Stories from the Land.

June 21, Writing Workshop, The Clearing, Door County 9-4.

July 12-19. Writing Retreat, Rhinelander, WI.

July 23.  Jacksonport Historical Society, Mr. G’s, 6:00 p.m. Jacksonport, WI. Horse Drawn Days

July 29, Ephraim Historical Foundation. 7:00 p.m. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):

The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St.
Wild Rose, WI  54984


Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 17

Two hundred years ago, on May 17, Norway gained its independence.  So every May 17, those with Norwegian heritage celebrate Syttende Mai (Norwegian for May 17).  Wisconsin’s major Norwegian settlements were Stoughton and Westby.  And both places have major Syttende Mai celebrations.
This year, as I have done for many years, I traveled to Westby and signed books for several hours at Dregne’s Scandinavian gifts, one of the largest and best such gift shops in the state. Such fun it was to talk to the folks who came by my book display—the occasional one saying something to me in Norwegian.  My reply is usually a smile and a “Huh, what did you say?”
Syttende Mai is a homecoming for many families.  I talked with a man from Rochester, MN.  “I grew up here,” he proudly announced.  I talked with a woman from Rochester, New York.  “My family has roots here.”  Of course people from LaCrosse, Viroqua, LaFarge, Holmen and many other nearby communities were well represented
Lunch from Borgen’s Café—a great place for Norwegian food—is always a treat.  Visiting with my longtime friend, Howard Sherpe, author and woodcarver extraordinaire, and Westby native, is always fun.  My daughter, Sue, came along and saw many of the goings on from a kiddie’s tractor pull, to a rosemaling demonstration.
 It was a cool but sunny day—a great day for a celebration.  A great day for those with Norwegian backgrounds.  Also, a pretty good day for those of who claim German as our heritage.
THE OLD TIMER SAYS:  Hats off to the Norwegians.
 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  I learned this past week that there are still openings for my one-day (June 21) writing class at The Clearing in Door County.  Go to this link for further information.
If that doesn’t work write or call The Clearing:
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.


May 20, Midvale Community Lutheran Church.  11:30 a.m.. Presentation, Limping Through Life.

June 20, Wausau Historical Society, 10:00 a.m. Presentation.

June 21, Writing Workshop, The Clearing, Door County 9-4
July 12-19. Writing Retreat, Rhinelander, WI.

July 23.  Jacksonport Historical Society, Mr. G’s, 6:00 p.m. Jacksonport, WI. Horse Drawn Days

July 29, Ephraim Historical Foundation. 7:00 p.m. Barns of Wisconsin.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):
The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St.
Wild Rose, WI  54984


Sunday, May 11, 2014


Occasionally someone will ask me about my favorite garden vegetable.  It’s a tough question to answer.  But having said that, tomatoes rank right up near the top.  I probably should also mention potatoes.  Rather than being a favorite, potatoes are a necessary crop, a dependable, not anything fancy crop that three families enjoy well into the winter.
Back to tomatoes.  We all like tomatoes.  Fresh tomatoes. Tomato soup.  Salsa.  Tomatoes in salad.  Tomato juice.  I grow lots of them. From forty or fifty tomato plants we usually harvest three or four bushels of tomatoes—and it seems the call is for even more.  So this year I have started 75 tomato plants.  As of this day they are about four inches tall and doing well.  I’m about to transplant them from their tiny little germination cells to larger pots so they can grow and toughen up and be ready putting into the garden at the end of the month. (I've learned the hard way not to set out tomato plants at my farm until after Memorial Day—too often they have frozen.)
For the curious, the varieties I have growing this year are:
Cupid Hybrid (66 days, a cherry tomato)
Ultimate Opener Hybrid (57 days.  A new variety)
Momotaro Hybrid (75 days and new for me this year A popular Japanese variety.)
Celebrity Hybrid (70 days)
Martino’s Roma (70 days)
Better Boy Hybrid (75 days—main crop tomato)
Manx Marvel (a non-hybrid medium-size tomato from the Isle of Man).  I grew Manx last year and saved seeds—every seed germinated.  Last year I had great luck with my Manx—very tasty tomato.
With seven different varieties, my cautious self doesn't depend on only one; we should have at least a couple varieties that do well.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: When I’m not doing something else, I’m watching my tomatoes grow.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT for those interested in enrolling in my one-day writing workshops at The Clearing in Door County.  The dates are June 21 and November 1—both Saturdays.  Each will be followed by a book signing.  Click on the following link for further information.
If that doesn’t work write or call The Clearing:
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.


May 14, Yahara River Writers Award Ceremony UW-Madison. Union South, Keynote speaker.

May 17, Dregne’s Gift Shop, Westby.  Book signing. 10:00 – 2:00

May 20, Midvale Community Lutheran Church.  Noon. Presentation, Limping Through Life.

June 20, Wausau Historical Society, 10:00 a.m. Presentation.

June 21, Writing Workshop, The Clearing, Door County 9-4.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):

The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps A Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, (which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story).
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St.
Wild Rose, WI  54984


Monday, May 05, 2014

Garden Season Begins

The rain stopped.  The clouds moved away and the sun came out.  This past weekend, the tree planting team shifted to garden mode.  Steve on the tractor disking and smoothing.  Natasha with the old wooden marker, laying out the rows.  Sue and Paul with hoes.  And an enhancement to the garden crew, grandsons Josh and Ben, doing what needed doing.
By early afternoon, with the temperature in the 60s and sun still bright in a clear blue sky (no one could remember such a day so far this spring) the early garden crops were in the ground.  A row of red potatoes, two long rows of yellow onions, ten rows of late potatoes, a row of peas, a partial row of lettuce, a few yards of collard greens, a partial row of radishes mixed with carrots.
And now we wait.  For warmer temperatures, maybe even a brief warm rain for the seeds to germinate.  For the potatoes and onions to show green above ground. The beginning of another garden season.   This will be our 46th year of gardening at Roshara, our Waushara County farm.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: The smell of freshly turned soil is the smell of spring.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT for those interested in enrolling in my one-day writing workshops at The Clearing in Door County.  The dates are June 21 and November 1—both Saturdays.  Each will be followed by a book signing.  Click on the following link for further information.
If that doesn’t work write or call The Clearing: 
12171 Garrett Bay Rd, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
(920) 854-4088.


May 6, Noon. UW-Madison Retirement Association, UW-Madison Arboretum Auditorium.

May 10, Noon. Madison Area Polio Survivors.  Monona Garden Family Restaurant

May 14, Young Writers Awards Meeting, UW-Madison.

May 17, Dregne’s Gift Shop, Westby.  Book signing.

June 21, Writing Workshop, The Clearing, Door County 9-4.

Purchase Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose, Wisconsin (a fund raiser for them):
The library now has available both of Jerry’s DVDs, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps and Jerry Apps a Farm Story.
Also available are several of Jerry’s book including The Quiet Season (on which the DVD A Farm Winter is based), as well as Rural Wit and Wisdom and Old Farm, which are related to the DVD Jerry Apps a Farm Story.
Contact the library for prices and special package deals.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division St.
Wild Rose, WI  54984