March was rolling right along, Temperatures above freezing every day, grass
greening up, neighbors raking their lawns—some days shirt sleeve weather. Nice.
Dependable . Not like March, but
we’ll take it.
Then the weather forecast:
Winter Storm Warning for much of the central part of the country. How could that be? It’s spring.
Says so right on the March calendar.
Must be a mistake. Maybe an April
Fool’s trick a few days early.
This was last Tuesday, when the temperature was in the
We all chuckled. They sure got it wrong this time. Never could depend on those weather people. Always wanting to turn a few snowflakes into
a blizzard—that’s what they said.
Blizzard warnings for some counties.
We didn’t have one of those in January—what’s going on? Weather people should stick their noses
outside more often, see how the weather on the computer screen doesn’t compare
with what’s really out there.
But, But, I’m eating crow, the weather people were right. Right on the button right. First the rain, then some ice, some places
lots of ice, and then the snow, heavy snow, blowing snow, slippery snow, winter
snow—but it’s spring for heaven’s sake.
Today, a couple days later, the snow in southern Wisconsin
is gone, the grass is green, the neighbors are raking their lawns, spring
flowers are beginning to bloom. Was
mid-last week just a bad dream? Or has
March made sure that we didn’t forget its madness—which goes beyond basketball.
THE OLD TIMER SAYS: So it’s March, get over it.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Writing Workshops for 2016
Telling Your Story Workshop at Wild Rose Library,
Saturday June 11, 9-4. Call 920-622-3835 to get your name on the list as
enrollment is limited.
Telling Your Story Workshop at The Clearing in Door
County. Friday, August 12, 9-4. Call 920-854-4088 to get your name on the
2, 1:30 Soldier’s Grove Library. One-Room Schools
5, 6:30 Heritage Hill State Park, Green Bay. Wisconsin Agriculture: A History.
9, Fort Atkinson Library, 1-3:00 p.m. Whispers and Shadows.
14, 12:00 p.m. Wild Rose Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon speaker.
Farm Stories
17, 7:00 p.m. Lebanon Historical
Society and Dodge County Geological Group, Watertown Senior
and Community Center, 514 South First Street, Watertown. Whispers and
19, 6:00 p.m. Union Grove Library. Wisconsin
Agriculture: A History
26, 7:00 p.m. Richfield Historical Society, 4128 Hubertus Road, Richfield, WI Whispers and Shadows.
7, Cambria Library.
11, 9-4 Writing Workshop, Wild Rose Library.
Telling Your Story
14.9:00 a.m. Keynote speech. Country Heritage Day, St. John the Baptist Church,
Montello. Barns of Wisconsin.
9, 6:30 p.m.. Evening. Winnebago County Historical Society. Oshkosh Library. Ag. History
12 9-4, Writing Workshop, The Clearing, Door County.
20, 10:30-11:30 am. Waupaca Annual Arts
on the Square.
Jerry’s DVDS and his Books from the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose,
Wisconsin (a fundraiser for them):
The library now has available signed copies of Jerry’s DVDs:
Emmy Winner, A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps (based on The Quiet Season book.)
Jerry Apps a Farm
Story (based on Rural Wit and Wisdom
and Old Farm books.)
The Land with Jerry Apps, (based on the book Whispers and Shadows.)
Also available are several of Jerry’s signed books including:
Jerry’s newest novel, The
Great Sand Fracas of Ames County. and Wisconsin
Agriculture: A History.
the library for prices and special package deals.
Memorial Library
500 Division Street