Monday, July 13, 2020

Fourth of July Garden Report

Daughter, Sue, and daughter-in-law Natasha, hoeing in family garden. Photo by Jerry Apps

Daughter, Sue and daughter-in-Law Natasha helping with weed control. Photo by Jerry Apps

Time for my Fourth of July garden report. Here is an appraisal of our family garden, located in western Waushara County sand country. I am always interested in how other vegetable gardens are doing this year with all the heat and a fair amount of rain as well. Send me a note.

Red potatoes-A. White Potatoes-B (Potatoes really don’t like high temperatures)
Onions-A. Tomatoes-B (My tomato plants are uneven, several in blossom, some with small tomatoes, some plants merely surviving. String Beans-A, Lettuce A+ (Best lettuce we’ve grown in years).

Sweet corn-B (Some waist-high, some less than knee-high). Kohlrabi-A (Have harvested some of it—so good raw). Radishes-F (Nothing, worst crop ever. Not one decent radish). Beets-A. Carrots-A. Zucchini- B+. Winter squash-B. Pumpkins-B. Cucumbers-B.

Peas-B (Harvested last of them, pulled the pea vines and planted the row to sweet corn, if we’re lucky we’ll have some sweet corn in September).

Cabbage-B. Broccoli-C (Struggling, mostly because a bunny found the plants).

Sunflowers-C (Don’t know what their problem is, but they are growing oh so slowly).

Overall comments—about an average vegetable gardening year. I was most disappointed in the zero radish crop—I like radishes. I like to eat them fresh out of the ground.

I hope the rabbit problem doesn’t increase. Over 50 years of gardening, I’ve had few problems with rabbits at this location—jeez, they’ve got 120 acres with lots of lush stuff to eat, why my broccoli? Deer and wild turkey—well, that’s another story.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: Every year is a good garden year; but some years are better than others.


My books, including Garden Wisdom, which has recipes for the various vegetables, are available at your local bookstore or from the Friends of the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose—a fundraiser for them. Phone: 920-622-3835 for prices and ordering.
Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division Street
Wild Rose, WI 54984

If you live in the western part of the state, stop at Ruth’s home town, Westby and visit Dregne’s. Say hello to Jana and look at their great selection of my books.., or order a book by calling them at 1-877-634-4414.


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Madge said...

Hi Jerry,
I live in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains in southwest Washington state. We've had a long, cool wet spring and summer so far. My garden took off slowly. I just started picked peas about the 4th,about 6 weeks later than normal. But the warm weather the last few days has caused the garden to spurt. We've had shy of 56 inches of rain so far this year.. Pretty wet.