Friday, July 03, 2020

Memories of Fairs

Merry-go-round, Waushara County Fair, 2019. Photo by Jerry Apps

It’s a dark and dreary summer for those of us who love our fairs. Among all the stress and challenges the COVId-19 pandemic has caused, forcing our county fairs to cancel, as well as the state fair ranks right up near the top.

For so many years, a fair was the highlight of my summer—the years I was in 4-H, the years I helped manage fairs as an extension agent, the years I served as a fair judge and the years I just visited a fair. All gone this summer. The excitement of judging day and the challenge of competition. The look on the face of a 4-H member winning her first blue ribbon. The chance to meet people seen only once a year. The opportunity to sleep over at the fair.

Memories of the smells of the fair, everything from the smell of onions frying in a food stand, to the cattle barns’ smell. The sounds of a rooster crowing in the poultry shed, the crowd sounds from the grandstand during a horse race, the sound from the merry-go-round with its little horses bobbing up and down as it goes around. The cry of the Midway barker, “Three balls for a dollar—everyone wins a prize.” Or a few feet away, another carny yells, “Guess your age within three years.”

All of these sounds, smells and sights tucked away in my memory bank. COVID-19 may take away most of our fairs this summer, but it can not take away the memories. For me, they will remain forever.

THE OLD TIMER SAYS: When so much seems to be disappearing—our memories remain.


My booksare available at your local bookstore or from the Friends of the Patterson Memorial Library in Wild Rose—a fundraiser for them. Phone: 920-622-3835 for prices and ordering.

Patterson Memorial Library
500 Division Street
Wild Rose, WI 54984

If you live in the western part of the state, stop at Ruth’s home town, Westby and visit Dregne’s.. They have a great selection of my books for sale, or order a book by calling them at 1-877-634-4414.


Donna Calvert said...

I recall we first met at a fair.

Don R said...

When I was young the fair was the highlight of the summer. The reason you picked strawberries, cherries, or baled hay was to have spending money for the fair. The possibility of winning a teddy bear for a potential sweetheart.
The dairy barn was filled to capacity with mostly Holsteins, but there were also a few Guernseys, Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, and Jerseys. Even a Milking Shorthorn or Dutch Belted. Now, there are just a few Holstein breeders left.

There were also new tractors and machinery from 6 different local dealers. Now, none are left.

As industrialized agriculture has replaced the small farm and rural culture, the reason for the local fair has almost disappeared. It has become a relic of the past, just like the small farm. Shame.

Unknown said...

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